Monthly Archives: March 2020

Dust and silence

How does one celebrate a birth many years ago when today thousands are dying? You can say it has always been like that. A birth, a thousand or more deaths, all in one moment.

So it is my birthday today and the world seems to be on a wobbly spin – most friends and family I know are staying indoors if they can. Distances made more real.

Then again, it is maybe just us humans. All other creatures go on as they always have, surviving however they can without claiming more than the ground or sky where their bodies are at each moment.

Perspective. A way of looking at things.

So I am thankful for another year around the sun that cares not if I take another breath or my last. Thankful for the words and the silences. For all that I’ve lived through, seen, felt, and been entangled with, that somehow have not brought me to surrender whatever beats inside.

One day all of us may seem like nothing more than dust and silence. A comfort and a challenge.