Monthly Archives: May 2014

Launch Notice: In the Heat of Shadows

In the Heat of Shadows


Click this LINK for full details of the launch notice

invitation to cape town

Far and Near

I’ve been meaning to share thoughts on many things – the elections in South Africa, the unsubtle threats of China to take over the water and other resources of other countries, the change of seasons in my part of the world, and some other random matters. But as often happens, the real world crashes down on my intentions.

Now a few bits of news I really have to share.

In the past few weeks I received copies of publications where my poetry appeared. It is always good when a poem finds a home somewhere I myself may never visit. Well, who knows, really? Maybe one day someone will sponsor me to fly all the way to…

LEBANON. Rusted Radishes, published by … (drum roll) … the American University of Beirut. The excellent editors liked my poem “If Palestine were a Treasured Painting.” It is a beautiful publication full of interesting graphics and bold writing.

rusted radishes 1

The poem is part of my unpublished manuscript, Sky for Silent Wings, which is still hoping for a publisher.

The next country my work found a home is… FRANCE via the anthology of contemporary South African poetry edited by Denis Hirson. It’s a handsome book – tall and elegant. Everything about it just makes me wish I could read and write in French! The three poems included are “Chameleon Caress,” (which originally appeared in my book Alien to Any Skin) “People Who Live with Lions” and “That Feather Could be Yours Someday.” I was a late addition to the anthology, and I’m thankful to Robert Berold for introducing my poetry to Denis Hirson.

French antology cover



China is Looting The Philippines; Probably With The Assistance of Corrupt Philippine Officials

China joins the likes of Canada and Australia in the rape of the natural resources of other countries.

Two poems in Poppy Road Review and another good news

modified poppy road detailEarly versions of two poems were accepted and published on Poppy Road Review on 10 May 2014. Around the same time one of the manuscripts I put together was accepted for publication. Both poems will be in the new book hopefully to be released in 2015 by my faithful publisher, University of Santo Tomas Publishing House. I said “early versions” because I have since revised the poems and the final versions will be in A THOUSAND EYES.

Thank you to all my readers.


Good news will come later

I have some great news, actually. But I’ll have to write about that later. This bit of troubling video with the proper accompanying article has to be shared first.

Israeli soldier becomes overnight hero for pointing loaded gun at Palestinian youths