Tag Archives: Cha: an Asian Literary Journal

Knife Cut on Leather gets featured on Cha

Cha: an Asian Literary Journal has picked up another one of my pieces.
I wrote “Knife Cut on Leather” some years ago and didn’t quite know what it was or where I could send it. So it lay in hibernation until I joined a private online discussion group whose generous but critical members (critical and supportive in the best way I can imagine) told me to forget what to call the piece. It was apparently complete as it was and I should let readers decide what to make of it.
Please read and tell me what you think of the piece.


Copy of leather

A poem appears on Cha: an Asian literary journal June 2015 issue

I wonder if the novelty of digital photo frames will pass. Sure, it’s one way of displaying the countless photos we end up taking every day because of the ease of technology. At the same time, though, we move one more step away from what is tangible. Fingertips were never designed to only touch glass… and soon air.

I have a very personal poem that has found a home in Cha: an Asian Literary Journal. Thank you to Jenna Le and Tammy Ho.

Please visit the site and leave a comment. Any show of support goes a long way to those who make room for others to share their work. HERE is the link to my poem, “Photographs Under Plastic Sheets.”

I hope to have it one day as part of my manuscript in progress called HOW TO MAKE A SALAGUBANG HELICOPTER.

random caspian photo in box

What’s the cat photo for? Nothing. Just to “cat”ch your attention. 😛