Tag Archives: poetry contest

My poem, “Wood and String,” is a finalist at Goodreads.com!!!

I’m happy to share this bit of news – my poem just got selected by the kind judges for the Goodreads.com monthly contest.

I will update this post as I get a chance. I originally wrote this poem after seeing a short video for a Poetry International competition (the poem was a finalist, too). The video can be viewed by choosing the photo of a puppet HERE.

other plans for this poem later.

Meanwhile, please do READ THE POEM, consider joining Goodreads.com and the Poetry! group so you can vote for it… or another poem you may perceive to be more worthy. Just being read alone would be nice. 🙂



UPDATE… my poem needs more votes… hmmm… not much I can do from here but wish. haha. oh well. thanks to those who voted! I don’t know when voting ends.